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11+ exam advice and support for parents

Decided that you want your child to attend your local grammar school, but not sure where to begin? Bond 11+ can help!

As the market-leading publisher of 11+ exam preparation books, we've helped millions of children prepare for and pass the 11+ exam. Our website is packed with resources to help you understand the 11+ and prepare your child. To help you get started we've gathered together some of our most popular resources, perfect for if you're just starting your 11+ exam journey.

Free 11+ Starter Pack

Whether you're still wondering if the 11+ is right for your child or you've already applied to your local grammar school, the Bond 11+ Starter Pack is packed with helpful resources for you to use at home with your child, and includes a Placement Test to help you establish your child's strengths and weaknesses:


Bond Online

"My daughter used Bond Online throughout the summer in small doses on her tablet. I cannot recommend the online tools and resources enough. We have spoken about Bond Online since and she says it definitely made a difference to how she applied herself and strategies within the tests. Thank you." – Lisa via Facebook

Want to see for yourself exactly how Bond Online could help your child prepare for the 11+ exam ? Take a look at our free sample tests from Bond Online.

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Bond newsletter: Support all the way until exam day

"I got regular emails as well which was nice, suggesting tips for nearer the time and stuff like that." - Liz, Bond newsletter subscriber

Stay up to date with what your child needs to do for the 11+ exam by signing up to our 11+ newsletter. Every month, you'll get free resources, advice and support to help you understand the 11+ and how you can prepare your child for exam success.

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Free resources

Register to the Bond 11+ website and you'll get access to lots of free test papers, worksheets and activities to help you prepare your child for the 11+ exam. (Login required.)

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