Using Bond Online reports to improve your child’s results 

Now that the summer term is under way, it's a great opportunity to review how your child is doing with their 11+ preparation and what they need to focus on in order to improve their scores.

In this blog, we’re going to walk you through a set of Bond Online progress reports to help make it easier for you to use your child’s reports to focus their 11+ revision.


Step 1: Subject view

Subject view screen

Here we can see at a glance how Randeep is doing in his revision. From these results, we can see that maths is his strongest subject, he’s doing ok in English and Verbal Reasoning, but he’s really struggling in Non-verbal Reasoning.

At this point, it’s also worth taking a quick look at each subject, just to check that there are no tricky topics. In opening up the English test report for further detail, it becomes apparent that alongside Non-verbal Reasoning, Randeep is struggling with 'Sentences'.

English test report



Based on this information, we’d suggest Randeep spends more time revising Non-verbal Reasoning using Bond Online and perhaps even using a How To Do book to reinforce key Non-verbal Reasoning concepts.

For English, we’d suggest that Randeep focuses his time just on the 'Sentences' questions in Bond Online to build up this skill.


Step 2: Mock tests

Mock tests are longer, timed tests that mimic the real 11+ exam. They give you a lot of information about not just 11+ subject knowledge, but a child’s exam skills too.

Mock test report for non-verbal reasoning

In this first mock test we can already see that Randeep hasn’t taken very many Non-verbal Reasoning mock tests, possibly because it’s his weakest subject. We would suggest spending more time on the practice tests, building up confidence and skills on these questions types. Then, when Randeep’s scores begin to rise so that he is seeing marked improvements in his overall score for Non-verbal Reasoning, take another mock test. We would advise that Randeep continues this cycle of practising until he begins to see a rise in his test scores and then returning to the mock tests, ideally until he is achieving 80% or more in his mock tests.

In maths, we can see that Randeep has completed a lot more mock tests and that there’s been a general improvement in his scores:

Mock test report for Maths

Here it’s worth looking at:

  • His most recent score to get a sense of how he’s doing currently.
  • His last three scores to see if there are common issues.

Looking at this report, we can see:

In his most recent maths mock test, he scored over 80% and completed it in 45 minutes. Bond mock tests normally take 50 minutes to complete, so he’s working really well and at speed.

Most recent report for Maths mock test

Test feedback on his most recent test shows that he still needs to work on the following:

Test feedback for most recent Maths mock test


Looking at the tests where he got his lowest scores, we can see that he had issues with timing as it took him over an hour to complete this mock test:

Test report with low score

And he also had issues with the topic ‘Factors, multiples and prime numbers’. Based on this, we’d recommend taking more practice tests in those specific areas.

Mock test report for Maths


Step 3: Feedback

To make sure that you get the most out of Bond Online reports, it can be helpful to set aside some time each week to go through the reports with your child. Following the example above, as you go through each report make a note of what your child needs to practise and then plan it into their revision schedule for the week using our free weekly planner:

Revision planner


The Bond team

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